We all know that BitCoin is really exposed today in the world wide web. Most of the online stores are using their microtransaction's and now available anywhere around the globe.
Previously it only available in the US, UK and Germany that can purchased and then used to download Android apps. As we can see it is a fastest moving of expansion for the availability of the virtual currency.
BitCoin Hits Las Vegas.
Last January 22, 2014, Las Vegas Casino started to accept BitCoin considered as a real cash. The D Casino Hotel and Golden Gate Hotel are both upgrading of their new system about the usage of virtual currency. Derek Steven's co-Owner and CEO of both hotel will often socialize to the customer and released to the press about the way of accepting the virtual currency.
BitCoins ATM in Ukraine.
Yesterday, in Ukraine news reported that a Ukraine Based Company had launched 4000 BitCoin ATM's.
which allowed cash to be exchange BTC accross Ukraine. So far it is the first news I heard about ATMs of BitCoins. BitCoin is totally demand.